impugn|impugned|impugning|impugns in English


[im·pugn || ɪm'pjuːn]

attack the credibility of, attempt to discredit, challenge

Use "impugn|impugned|impugning|impugns" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impugn|impugned|impugning|impugns" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impugn|impugned|impugning|impugns", or refer to the context using the word "impugn|impugned|impugning|impugns" in the English Dictionary.

1. Nobody can impugn his ability.

2. Andrew's own orthodoxy was never impugned.

3. What am I, impugning their manhood or something?

4. Pollutions which attract substantial publicity risk impugning the agency's competence.

5. The Secretary's letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives.

6. Gerlick has filed a complaint impugning the judge's integrity.

7. There were no real grounds for impugning the decision.

8. Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?

9. But faithful Complaining does not impugn God with wrong

10. I did not mean to impugn her professional abilities.

11. I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism.

12. Challenge definition is - to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded : impugn

13. This is a knowledge which has been impugned in literature, and which has deteriorated there.

14. Political combatants now routinely impugn the very moral fiber of their opponents.

15. Explain why the inequities in this world in no way impugn Jehovah’s justice.

16. We demanded an apology for his impugning our paper’s reputation; he accused of us of libel.

17. Revolvers Briquettes ridicules knife labyrinths extensors scoutmasters sows contraction cancels subcontractor sorcerer wrestlers impugned SSbCdSlvNIhfw7p $ 0.99

18. Key field support teams were said to be overtly impugning the reputations of colleagues within earshot of customers.

19. Synonyms for Contravene that may be found in a thesaurus are: breach, interfere, disobey, defy, impugn

20. I do not impugn the sincerity of the protesters against China's hosting of the Olympic Games.

21. Rose and I differ somewhat in our definition of art. Not to impugn your work, sir.

22. Without impugning the motives of any believer in this, I point out that it reeks of a vile and dangerous racism.

23. It is they who give the rest of us a smudge on our reputations and impugn our character.

24. In recent times, from about 18 many attempts have been made to impugn its genuineness, but without success.

25. The irony is that in other Arab countries it is the opposition that impugns democracy as the constitutional foundation of the republic.